We catalyse new research collaborations across the Midlands Innovation membership, creating research communities for a purpose. We generate new ideas in partnership with regional stakeholders.
Midlands Innovation collaborates with organisations such as national, regional and local government, the NHS, and public and private sector businesses, to generate new ideas and help find solutions to local challenges.
Our place-based initiatives:
Share best practice to strengthen research delivery in the Midlands.
Design research programmes which address our region’s challenges.
Co-create solutions to strengthen the Midlands R&D ecosystem.
Develop new partnerships with regional stakeholders, other regional university groupings and beyond to deliver projects of excellence.
Working with the Midlands Innovation universities, we have broadened research opportunities within behavioural and linguistic research, strengthening our long-standing relationship between AIFL and GCHQ. We have built greater connections to more social science researchers, from sociologists to psychologists and linguists, to help boost research ideas and collaboration opportunities.
Professor Tim Grant
Professor of Forensic Linguistics and Director of the Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics (AIFL) at Aston University
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We collaborate with organisations, such as national, regional and local government, NHS, and public and private sector businesses to help find solutions to local challenges. Most of these collaborations come from existing networks and research projects. If you have a new or specific interest that aligns with our priorities, get in touch by email info@midlandsinnovation.org.uk
There are several MI Health networks for researchers, NHS and industry. Learn more here https://mihealth.org.uk/MIHealth/networks-collaborations
We deliver world-class research that impacts the people living in our communities.
By delivering ambitious, place-based initiatives, Midlands Innovation helps to tackle the region’s biggest challenges. Our collaboration works to champion and strengthen the region’s research and innovation ecosystem.
Our collaborative approach influences future prospects for the region. We shape and inform national and local policy through research and innovation projects we deliver together.
We deliver ambitious, large-scale collaborative research projects and develop renowned research programmes that create opportunities for the Midlands.