Midlands Innovation Electron Microscopy Network

Electron Microscopy (EM) is a crucial set of technologies used for imaging materials and studying their properties, particularly at the smallest scales. This capability plays a vital role in research across multiple disciplines, spanning both the physical and biological sciences.

The Midlands region is recognised for its strength in Electron Microscopy, with Midlands Innovation universities housing a robust collection of state-of-the-art EM facilities, advanced instrumentation, and operational experience.

To acknowledge and build upon this strength, we are establishing the Midlands Innovation Electron Microscopy Network (MI EM). This network aims so bring together and celebrate the regional expertise in EM, serving as a forum to share best practises, disseminate information, and coordinate regional initiatives related to research, training, and funding opportunities. 

For additional information or inquiries about the MI EM network, please contact the network leads:

Dr. Matthew Piggott – nmRC, University of Nottingham

Email: m.piggott@nottingham.ac.uk

Dr. Emma Hesketh – Midlands Regional CryoEM Facility, University of Leicester

Email: emma.hesketh@leicester.ac.uk

We look forward to working together collaboratively to advance Electron Microscopy research and capability within the Midlands region.

Learn more about our EM facilities