Midlands Innovation Flow Cytometry Training and Resources

Midlands Innovation Flow Cytometry Resources

The Midlands Innovation Flow Cytometry Group collaborate to provide free training sessions to staff and students enabling researchers at all levels to upskill and discover new techniques and equipment that will enhance their research.

Introduction to Flow Cytometry 2024/2025

Course Description

Designed for those new to flow cytometry, this popular interactive group training session will be delivered online. Experienced flow cytometrists Shahram Golbabapour (University of Birmingham s.golbabapour@bham.ac.uk) and David Onion (University of Nottingham david.onion@nottingham.ac.uk) will lead this comprehensive introduction to flow cytometry, which includes a live practical demonstration.


Session 1 (12:30-13:30)

  • What is flow cytometry and how does it work?
  • Applications of flow cytometry in biomedical research.
  • What is cell sorting and how does it work?
  • What is Imaging Cytometry and how does it work?
  • Information / further reading / useful websites / analysis software.

Break (13:30-13:45)

Session 2 (13:45-14:45)

  • Reagents for flow cytometry: antibodies, fluorophores and more.
  • Basic design of flow cytometry experiments.
  • Panel design, colours that overlap and compensation.

Break (15:45-15:00)

Live Flow Cytometry Demonstrations (15:00-16:00)

  • Operating a flow cytometer.
  • Creating a protocol.
  • Setting compensation.

The group hosts an Annual Flow Cytometry Conference which attracts more than 150 researchers from academic and the commercial sector. To sign up for our 2025 conference, please click here.

The Midlands Innovation Flow Cytometry Group are proud to launch training videos, available publicly, on how to use the Sony ID7000C Spectral Cell Analyser, Amnis ImageStream X MKII, BD Fortessa X-20 and Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX.

David Onion, Midlands Innovation’s University of Nottingham Flow Cytometry representative, and University of Nottingham’s Research Scientist and Flow Cytometry Facility Manager:

Our goal is for all research across the Midlands Innovation Universities to access the highest quality equipment and alongside professional training. We have made a set of instructional videos that complement our ever-popular training sessions so our researchers can get the most of out of the fantastic equipment in the Midlands Innovation.


Sony ID7000C Spectral Cell Analyser

Image Stream X MKII

BD Fortessa X-20 

Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX