One of the largest collections of space-related expertise in the world.
The space research collaboration explores opportunities to help shape the future of space technology. We form one of the largest collections of space-related expertise in the world and support research, development and training within industry and academia.
The Midlands Innovation partners have collective strengths in the academic disciplines that apply to ‘space’ in its broadest sense. The group come together to explore opportunities for collaborative research, discuss training and skills needs for the space sector and how best to utilise the diverse range of space-related equipment housed across the partnership. Topics range from:
Advanced materials
Aerospace engineering
Earth observation/environment
Laser physics
Planetary exploration
Space instrumentation
Space system design
We form one of the largest collections of space expertise in the world, numbering more than 900 academic, research and technical staff. The Leicester Space Park is working closely with the Midlands Innovation space group to bring together the Midlands-wide academic community which has the potential for some exciting research collaborations.
Professor Martin Barstow
Chair of Midlands Innovation Space Group, University of Leicester
The Midlands is home to a zero carbon energy cluster. Research innovation from our partners is driving new pioneering energy technologies.
Bringing together the country’s best health research expertise with the NHS and industry for healthcare innovation.
We unlock research discoveries by facilitating research equipment sharing within our partnership. Our partner’s cutting-edge research facilities enhance research opportunities and collaborations.
Working in partnership to tackle the challenges facing our communities
We help to power growth through ambitious research and innovation activity, attracting investment, creating jobs, and increasing productivity.