
One of the largest collections of space-related expertise in the world.


Midlands Space Innovation

The space research collaboration explores opportunities to help shape the future of space technology. We form one of the largest collections of space-related expertise in the world and support research, development and training within industry and academia.


Developing a Midlands Space Cluster

The Midlands Innovation partners have collective strengths in the academic disciplines that apply to ‘space’ in its broadest sense. The group come together to explore opportunities for collaborative research, discuss training and skills needs for the space sector and how best to utilise the diverse range of space-related equipment housed across the partnership. Topics range from: 

Advanced materials

Aerospace engineering


Earth observation/environment

Laser physics




Planetary exploration

Space instrumentation

Space system design

Latest News

Dark green image of an electric network
Midlands Innovation: adding value to research communities across the Midlands
Audience at the MREM conference
Midlands Racial Equality in Medicine network: promoting racial equality in medicine through cross-school collaboration
Inclusive Transformation
Inclusive Transformation: developing research collaboration in the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts
MI TALENT: advocating for technicians both regionally and nationally

Read our Case Studies


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