Inclusive Transformation: developing research collaboration in the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts

Inclusive Transformation

Encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration across the Midlands

Where previous collaborative networks have historically focused on STEM subjects, Inclusive Transformation is distinct in its focus on the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts. Founded in 2020 on the belief that partnership is key to tackling social inequality, Inclusive Transformation encourages SHAPE researchers working at Midlands Innovation partner universities to develop and collaborate on projects addressing regional challenges of social inequality.  

Each Midlands Innovation partner committed to allocate a proportion of their annual Policy Support Fund (PSF) from Research England to provide seed corn funding for Inclusive Transformation projects. To qualify for this funding, projects needed to involve a) collaboration with at least two partner institutions and b) tie in with the research themes put forward by Inclusive Transformation. Through this funding, projects would be given the time and space to develop, before putting in bids for larger funding to scale up the project.   

Evolving to address social inequalities across the Midlands

Inclusive Transformation developed key research themes and priorities to provide areas of focus for the project proposals and to encourage interdisciplinary ideas to be put forward. The themes and priorities are as follows: 

  • Theme 1: economic renewal. 
  • Theme 2: wellbeing and prosperity for all. 
  • Theme 3: social diversity and inclusion. 
  • Priority 1: a just transition to a digital world. 
  • Priority 2: environmental resilience. 

The first cohort saw a variety of collaborative projects receiving seed corn funding, with topics ranging from addressing the long-term societal effects of COVID-19 to exploring what transitioning to net zero governance would look like on a local level.  

Following the first cohort, Inclusive Transformation considered further ways it could support and develop SHAPE researchers in the Midlands. Recognising the support needed for team-based research, Inclusive Transformation has evolved to prioritize early career researcher-led projects. 

The positive impact of Inclusive Transformation for the region and its researchers

Early career researchers (ECRs) are now a focal point of Inclusive Transformation, with ECR-led projects being priorities for funding. The supportive, collaborative environment allows ECRs to begin leading projects, with the goal of later securing further funding opportunities. As part of this development, the scheme now provides a mentoring system where anyone funded through the initiative is paired with a mentor from another institution. Mentors offer day-to-day support and further guidance from the perspective of an external institution.  

Inclusive Transformation Chair and Mentor, Professor David Amigone, notes that these open, confidential conversations are crucial for helping colleagues to think long-term about their projects and how they can secure further funding. Professor Amigone notes that this initiative often provides the first opportunity for new researchers to lead projects, helping them navigate their early research careers. Since its founding in 2020, Inclusive Transformation has seen 15 research projects receive funding to the value of >£100k. Project leads have gone on to apply for further funding, alongside developing their research careers and networks.  

The recognition and support for team-based research provided by Inclusive Transformation is helping to build a stronger, more connected research community across the Midlands. Through these partnerships, Inclusive Transformation seeks to achieve its long-term goal: to work with communities to face both the local and national social challenges of inequality. 



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